Posted on 1/31/2023

When your car nears the end of its life, engine problems become inevitable. That is why some people with severe engine damage have to choose between two options: getting an engine replacement or buying a new car. Fortunately, you can count on the team at Stang Auto Tech to find the better option for you. The cost of swapping out a vehicle engine may sound daunting as it can cost several thousand dollars. When compared to a monthly car payment, it may seem way out of your reach. However, a new car costs you way more than several thousand dollars altogether. Even if you decide to buy a new, pre-owned vehicle, you could be faced with additional costs like maintenance and repairs. Sometimes, fixing the nightmare of engine damage is better than taking the financial risk of buying a new car. Types of Engine Replacements An engine replacement service is precisely what it sounds like. It means completely removing the old engine and installing a new engine or new engine parts. The engi ... read more